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1 Recamáras 1 Baños 44.32 m2 Construcción

Amazing studios Near 5th Avenue

"This is a 6 levels development composed of 23 studios specially designed to optimize the investment. There will be an underground parking, Lobby, a small storage unit for every studio and a rooftop pool with stunning views of the Caribbean Sea.". EasyBroker ID: EB-MB2958

  • Aire acondicionado
  • Elevador
  • Alberca
  • Seguridad privada
  • Circuito cerrado
  • Asador
  • Roof Garden
Ubicación de Amazing studios Near 5th Avenue

, 77710 Playa Del Carmen Solidaridad, Quintana Roo

Publicado el 26 de Noviembre del 2022
$146,170.00 USD.
Contácta al vendedor
ID: 18806