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8 Recamáras 8 Baños 900 m2 Construcción 1002 m2 de Terreno

Casa en Venta, Priv. La Loma en San Miguel de Allende

Initially conceived as a family estate, this 8 bedroom, 8 bath unfinished house sits on a 1,000 m2 (10,800 sq.ft) lot and is built on two stories with an ample living-dining area that overlooks San Miguel and the canyon. Each bedroom is ensuite and several of them have kitchenettes. The property has three separate entrances that allow for privacy and there is a good-size front and back garden. This project can easily be completed as a family compound or B&B. Views are an incredible plus. Cooperative Agent. EasyBroker ID: EB-DI7890

Ubicación de Casa en Venta, Priv. La Loma en San Miguel de Allende

Priv. La Loma, 37720 La Colina San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato

Publicado el 29 de Junio del 2019
$350,000.00 USD.
Contácta al vendedor
ID: 13133